rising stars

Land your Dream Job

Find the perfect job for you with the help of an agent who really gets what you're looking for and cares about your career dreams.

Portrait of doctor
How it works

Get 1-on-1 Help with an Agent that Represents You in the Job Market

STep 1
Get Assigned to a Personal Agent

No more navigating the job market alone. Our agents are experts in representing residents, ensuring you get the best offers that align with your personal and professional aspirations.

STep 2
Create a Career Plan with your Agent

Collaborate with your agent to develop a clear, strategic career plan. We're here to maximize your potential, whether it's in a clinical setting or beyond.

STep 3
Get Matched to Top Jobs

It's not just about finding a job but about finding the right one. Our deep industry connections mean access to top opportunities tailored to your interests and goals.

why matchday?

Companies have Recruiters, and you have MatchDay.

No hidden costs. As a doctor, your membership is 100% free.

Increase your chances of finding your ideal healthcare job.

Get expert career guidance and support.

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is the Rising Stars program and how does it benefit medical residents and new graduates?

The Rising Stars program is a unique initiative designed to assist medical residents and new graduates in navigating the early stages of their careers. By participating in this program, you gain access to personalized career planning and matchmaking services.

Our expert team works closely with you to understand your career aspirations, strengths, and preferences. We then leverage our extensive network of healthcare employers to find opportunities that align perfectly with your career goals, ensuring a seamless transition from residency to professional life.

How does the program help in identifying the right career path for me?

Our Rising Stars program is not just about finding you a job. It's about carving out a career path that resonates with your personal and professional aspirations. We begin with in-depth discussions about your interests, skills, and long-term goals.

This allows us to create a tailored career map, guiding you towards roles and employers where your specific talents and ambitions can thrive. Whether you're inclined towards clinical practice, research, or a niche within the medical field, we'll help you find a path that's right for you.

What kind of support can I expect from my assigned career agent?

When you join the Rising Stars program, you are paired with a career agent who is not just a counselor but a mentor. Your agent will provide comprehensive support throughout your job search and beyond. This includes resume refinement, interview preparation, negotiation tactics, and continuous career advice. Our agents are dedicated to your success and will work tirelessly to ensure you are presented with opportunities that not only match your skills but also align with your personal values and career aspirations.

Is there a cost associated with joining the Rising Stars program?

We believe in empowering the next generation of medical professionals without financial barriers. Therefore, the Rising Stars program is offered at no cost to medical residents and new graduates.

Our goal is to invest in your future by providing top-notch career support and opportunities, ensuring you embark on a fulfilling and successful medical career.

Ready to start talking about your first job?

Book an appointment today to start planning your first healthcare job. It's 100% Free.

Book an Appointment